I have been noticing a somewhat sad trend in some of my Christian friends lately. This has been an observation over some years of knowing them and it is centered around a noticeably steady decline in their conviction and faith in Jesus. Whilst it is hard to tell how someone's faith is doing, there are some clear signs that not all is well. We are told in the Bible to look out for these, within ourselves and also in our brothers and sisters around us, so that we may keep each other accountable and be ready for the Lord's return. And, if there are clear signs that a brother or sister in Christ is in sin, we are to point to it out to them and correct them.
However, there in lies the challenge as most sin is hidden and subtle. Looking at outward appearances fail to show anything wrong. This is even more challenging as most of us are adept at hiding our sins and even convincing ourselves that nothing is wrong. We are adept at putting on our Christian masks, saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes, raising our hands in worship, supporting the right cause, playing Christian music in our cars etc. We say to ourselves that hey, we're still faithful because we do all these things. A bit of sin is alright, we're human and not perfect after all. Jesus' blood will wash it away.
I'd just like to say that a Christian that tolerates sin in their lives, especially habitual sin, is in a very dangerous state. I question their standing with God and even if they are filled with the Holy Spirit. When we tolerate sin in our lives, however small, we open the door to more and soon our small act of rebellion leads us to greater levels of depravity. Christians who continue to sin are deceived and will eventually ignore or justify their failings. Their relationship with God deteriorates as they fall further into Satan's trap. Correcting them at that stage will be an uphill battle indeed.
I've compiled a list of warning signs from my own experience, lessons that I have personally been taught and also from observations from people that I have ministered to. I hope and pray that these serve as a personal reminder to us. We must ensure that we are vigilant, that we keep awake and are constantly filled with the Holy Spirit lest we forfeit the prize that God has in store for us at the end of the race.
1) Tolerating sin, especially habitual sin, is a clear warning sign that something is not right. Read above.
2) Lack of prayer. Let's not kid ourselves, if you're not praying you ain't talking to God. And if you ain't talking to God, you probably don't know Him very well. My Pastor recommends at least 1 hour of prayer per day although she would gladly advocate more. After all, we are to ceaselessly pray.
3) Lack of joy in worship. We are called primarily to worship God. To joyfully worship Him. If you find yourself lacking joy in a worship service and this has become a trend, I encourage you to re-seek the Holy Spirit to restore this joy.
4) Life taking over. When you find that your priority is your job, material things, money, anything but God. Also saying that you have no time for church (yes, I know there are legitimate reasons too) is something else to watch out for. Not going to church entirely, well, enough said.
5) Negativity. Negativity can manifest itself in terms of speech (criticisms, complaints, gossip), in our thoughts and even in our general attitude to those around us.
6) When was the last time you read your Bible?
7) Pride. This is a tough one as proud people probably don't think they have a pride issue. A good way to diagnose this; when was the last time you had to eat humble pie and did? Do you always think you're right and that everybody else should perhaps be a little smarter? Do you get jealous of someone who actually does better than you?
8) Apathy. Are you apathetic to your fellow man? God certainly is not apathetic to man and if we are to carry His heart in all we do, I would suggest that apathy should not be a feature of our Christian walk. In saying all this, when was the last time you shared the gospel, like properly? I don't mean talking about God, your belief or even showing them your Christ-like behaviour. I am talking about actually sharing the gospel.
9) Something from the list above made you angry and defensive. And you want to send me hate mail and put me straight.
There are a few more but I'll leave it there as I think there's enough to work with here. Typing this has really made me realise my own shortcomings. I am thankful to God that He has been addressing many of these issues in my life over the last few months. They can be painful lessons but they are so worth it. God, after all, disciplines those that He loves and calls his own.
p.s. I am not advocating that we be or even try to be perfect all the time. We can't. What I am advocating though is arresting a noticeable decline in faith that will ultimately lead Christians to spiritual apathy and death.
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